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Cleaning App

Feedback Reporting Module with Mobile Application

Feedback Reporting Module with Mobile Application

The Feedback Reporting Module (available in web version or mobile application) is designed to facilitate efficient communication between the service company and the property administrator/manager, as well as to expedite the service provider's response to any reports.

The module allows users to report irregularities in cleaning, security, or the technical condition of the facility. Users can attach photos from the location, and the GPS system further assists in pinpointing the reporting location. Each report triggers an alert via email and SMS, which accelerates the intervention process. The operator resolving the issue can send a feedback message along with photographic documentation.

The system requires the service provider to respond within an agreed timeframe. Failure to respond results in an automatic reminder being sent to their supervisor.

Available reports allow for assessing the quantity and significance of recorded reports, as well as response times. This, in turn, enables evaluations of the employees and teams responsible for interventions, as well as the service provider itself.

Work Plan with Checklist

Work Plan with Checklist

The work plan, along with the checklist, enables the creation, settlement, and monitoring of detailed task schedules that need to be completed at a given facility.

The cleaning plan specifies what, by whom, where, and when tasks should be performed. Based on the plan, lists of tasks are prepared for individual employees. Property managers and employees of management companies have a clear overview of the ongoing work.

The checklist module allows for the control of tasks being carried out. It systematically assesses the quality of completed work and ensures compliance with established standards.

Monitoring Work

Monitoring Work

The mechanism for monitoring employee presence in specific rooms allows for ongoing and automatic control of the timeliness of tasks described in the building maintenance schedule.

The beacon technology, combined with wireless communication with the data server, enables real-time monitoring of the start and end times of work in specific rooms. Any deviations from the established schedule can be reported automatically.

Periodic Work Module

Periodic Work Module

The Periodic Work Module allows for managing tasks designated for regular execution—daily, weekly, or monthly.

The module enables the preparation of a precise work schedule that considers the location of task execution (in specific rooms or buildings), as well as their time, scope, and necessary resources.

The completed plan allows for monitoring the scope of work performed and ensures that no tasks are overlooked. In this way, those responsible for property management (property managers and staff of management companies) can verify the compliance of the services provided with the original assumptions.

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