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Effectively managing your company's margin?

Wednesday, 30 October 2019
Effectively managing your company's margin?

The activity of many industries is based on the ability to generate relatively low margins. Most often, these are areas related to high competitiveness, outsourcing services, or simple business models with low market entry costs. Examples include cleaning services (facility management), property protection, or real estate management. The profitability of this type of business depends on the scale of the business and continuous control of the level of costs incurred. Margin management is key here.

Optima Solutions software was created with this type of activity in mind. We provide a set of tools that support margin management and maintenance.


Managing the margin of projects starts at the planning stage. Our software makes it easy to estimate the scope of work and resources needed to complete it. We know when and what tasks will be performed. We know what people, equipment and other resources we need. As a result, we get a full picture connecting operational activities with the financial side. This picture is located in time and is a reference point for implementing subsequent activities. Every day we know what we have to do, who will do it and what they will use. Most importantly, we know how much it should cost.

Resource Management

After planning the work, we can move on to the resource management stage. Data collected in the system helps decide which tasks will be performed by existing resources and which require new resources. We can therefore plan the purchase and leasing of new equipment and the recruitment of new employees.

The system also facilitates the management of assets that we already have. We know where they are, who is responsible for them and what kind of service they require. By analyzing the data we have, we can increase the efficiency of the equipment we have. Thanks to this, the equipment's efficiency is better adapted to the scope of work performed. We also reduce the costs of moving equipment and its failures, which are minimized by proper service. Learn more about human resources management.


The plan is the basis for building a budget that specifies the costs and revenues of individual parts of the company. The Optima Solutions tool allows you to build a complete budget for the entire year of the company's operation. Data is available at the level of individual costs, but can also be aggregated to the level of a selected key - department, cost group or management area.

Our software enables continuous monitoring of budget execution. Individual manager areas can be monitored separately. Integration of data from available financial systems provides us with up-to-date information on whether the value of costs and revenues is consistent with the adopted plan. In this way, any discrepancies can be identified very quickly and the necessary remedial actions can be taken. Thanks to this, we will not be surprised by a situation where the margin is lower than planned. Learn more about reporting.


Daily control is facilitated by defining and tracking indicator values that correspond to the company's business goals. These can be:

  • • percentage of achievement of revenue goals,
  • • percentage of cost targets achieved,
  • • cost of servicing a square meter,
  • • number of customercomplaints,
  •     …

These indicators can be assigned to responsible persons, they can be presented on management dashboards and dedicated reports. Exceedances of assumed values can be reported thanks to alert mechanisms.

Indicators assigned to specific managers allow for defining their individual goals. In this way, people responsible for managing the company know to what extent they are moving towards achieving the result of the area for which they are responsible. They also have the ability to identify where problems appear and how to deal with them. Higher-level managers, in turn, can monitor the work of their subordinate managers. They know to what extent they are fulfilling their duties and who requires help.


Daily margin management is supported by reporting tools. A comprehensive picture of the company's financial results is presented by reports generated based on data collected by our tools. They clearly present current results, show areas requiring response. They provide historical knowledge that can be used to plan the future.

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Optima Solutions Ltd.

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78G Skrajna Street
25-650 Kielce

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